Today I received a call from a mom looking for a tutor for her children. She has three children and they all have different needs. She had a lot of questions, so I called her. I said to her "Tell me about your children and what you're looking for." She gave me a brief summary of her children's needs and I suggested a plan that I thought would work. (Also, we clarified that tutoring sessions are $60 for the hour, whether you have 2 children working with me or just one, and Zoom extra help and parent workshops are included in this.) She sounded relieved to hear what I was able to do to help, and decided to sign her children up for some sessions.
As a tutor, one of the first things I do it listen. Listen to the needs of the family, the parents and the student. Some children are missing foundational learning skills, while others need help with remaining focused during their online lessons .Other students come with an IEP where specific areas of learning need to be addressed. Other parents reach out to me, knowing that their child needs some extra support, but aren't sure where to begin or what they need in particular. I can focus on these concerns that parents have and lead them in a positive direction.
At this point, hybrid learning is new. In most communities, school plans are up in the air. No matter what is decided, it is going to be different. Here are some ways I can help:
If your child is hybrid learning, I can help on the days he is online. I can sit with him while he is on the computer so he can focus and understand the lesson. It is a chance for your child to ask questions as they arise. (I know my daughter doesn't like to ask questions while she is online- she gets very intimidated.)
If your child is going back to school in person, there may be foundational skills he is struggling with. I can fill in the gaps with individualized assessments to help them get back on track, working with them after school. Then, every 6 weeks I will reassess him to see what progress is being made, and what further steps need to be taken.
If your child is doing total virtual learning, While they are online, I can help keep them focused, and make sure they are understanding the lessons. I can also implement quick breaks and strategies to help with some of the struggles with online learning. This also gives me a great opportunity to make sure your child is understanding the lesson and also reteach any concepts they haven't quite grasped yet.
If your child is on an IEP - I give an assessment after reading their IEP, and determine the progress they have made. A plan is created where I will work with them either one or two times a week ( I give you a suggestion as to what I think would be best) to help them accomplish the goals set on the IEP.
If your child is entering 1st grade and/or is having trouble reading- Reading assessments are given to determine your child's strengths and weaknesses. I then apply specific, direct phonics and comprehension skills based on these needs. After a little while, something "clicks" and your child will begin to read everything! (As a teacher, one of my favorite thing is seeing the "click.")
As you can see, I'm all about the individual student. I do not require you to sign a contract for staying on for a particular number of hours or months, and I am very honest when I feel that your child no longer needs my help. If you are wondering if I am a good fit for your family this year, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, and offer options and suggestions.